The FLOWER Project, between performance and eco-responsibility:
FLOWER‘s main objective is to develop locally produced flax fiber reinforcements with optimized architectures for the composites industry. These innovative preforms will enable the emergence of new products for the automotive industry, the naval sector and the field of point-of-sale advertising.
As part of this project, Howa Tramico has several assignments:
- Rely on cross-border and complementary skills
- Ensure and validate the development of innovative, high-performance, lightweight, biodegradable or recyclable products
- To present with these innovative preforms new products dedicated to the automotive industry
- Reducing environmental impacts
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European cross-border cooperation program INTERREG VA France (Channel) / England.
Total budget : 4,7M € – European Union (FEDER-INTERREG FMA) : 3,2M
Project duration: 56 months from February 2018 to September 2022